Energy Storage Articles

Read stories about the status and future of energy storage around the world and how energy storage makes renewable energy more viable.  Or, learn to save more with peak demand reduction strategies. Find out why some believe the complete transformation of utilities is just a few decades away and how you can prepare.








Energy solutions for the modern grid

July 29, 2019

The grid is changing due to climate change and growth of intermittent renewable resources. Can your building react with energy agility? 

The Road to 100 Percent Clean Energy

July 18, 2018

In this debate over whether 100 percent renewables can be achieved, two sides have emerged. Some argue fossil fuels and baseload nuclear are necessary to power the electrical grid, while others think the nation needs to transition completely to renewable energy resources. Who will win?

The $13 Billion A Year Mystery: An In-Depth Understanding of PJM’s Demand Charges

April 3, 2018

PJM Interconnection, the Regional Transmission Organization that serves over 65 million people in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest, is one of the most poorly understood entities in the U.S.’s electric landscape. PJM is the grid operator in 13 states plus Washington, DC, controlling and optimizing the flow of power through 82,000 miles of transmission lines spanning Pennsylvania, New Jersey, the Washington Beltway, and much of the Midwest. PJM covers all of Ohio, West Virginia, and Virginia, spans as far west as Chicago and as far south as the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and yet few facilities managers are even aware of its existence, and of how important a role it plays in determining each customer’s energy bills within its footprint.

Planning ahead for the party: An analogy for commercial air conditioning

June 21, 2016

With the Fourth of July nearing, thousands of companies and families will be planning ahead for their gatherings and reunions by ensuring guests will have comfortable surroundings with proper amenities and by pre-purchasing supplies of food, beverages, and ice to keep supplies cold in bulk quantities to make sure the attendees will be comfortable. Is your commercial building doing the same pre planning that can save money and improve comfort?