Energy Storage Articles
Read stories about the status and future of energy storage around the world and how energy storage makes renewable energy more viable. Or, learn to save more with peak demand reduction strategies. Find out why some believe the complete transformation of utilities is just a few decades away and how you can prepare.

Energy solutions for the modern grid
July 29, 2019
The grid is changing due to climate change and growth of intermittent renewable resources. Can your building react with energy agility?

7 tips for optimizing design of zero net energy buildings
February 28, 2019
Are you thinking of pursuing net zero? If so, here are some tips to consider.

Top 3 reasons why Thermal Battery™ cooling systems are important for your business
January 24, 2019
The electric grid is changing, as concerns about climate change and renewable resources increase. Thermal energy storage is becoming more important to building owners and utilities for their ability to enable growth of renewable energy resources.
The Road to 100 Percent Clean Energy
July 18, 2018
In this debate over whether 100 percent renewables can be achieved, two sides have emerged. Some argue fossil fuels and baseload nuclear are necessary to power the electrical grid, while others think the nation needs to transition completely to renewable energy resources. Who will win?

The $13 Billion A Year Mystery: An In-Depth Understanding of PJM’s Demand Charges
April 3, 2018
PJM Interconnection, the Regional Transmission Organization that serves over 65 million people in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest, is one of the most poorly understood entities in the U.S.’s electric landscape. PJM is the grid operator in 13 states plus Washington, DC, controlling and optimizing the flow of power through 82,000 miles of transmission lines spanning Pennsylvania, New Jersey, the Washington Beltway, and much of the Midwest. PJM covers all of Ohio, West Virginia, and Virginia, spans as far west as Chicago and as far south as the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and yet few facilities managers are even aware of its existence, and of how important a role it plays in determining each customer’s energy bills within its footprint.

Reliable commercial cooling for retail properties
October 31, 2017
Are you stressing over an aging rooftop air-conditioning system? You’re not alone. Research shows that only 11 percent of buildings meet thermal comfort standards.

Guidelines to a More Resilient Commercial Building
September 28, 2017
How to make your building more resilient using ice storage.

Testing Solar. Energy Storage and the Path to 100% Renewable Energy
September 12, 2017
How prepared are we on the path to 100% renewable energy?

A Cool Way to Lower Your Electric Bill
July 19, 2017
It’s that time of year again when utility rates rise due to summer peak demand for air-conditioning. Here’s how a novel approach involving ice can help.

Trends: The growing thermal energy storage market for comfort cooling
June 27, 2017
3 reasons why demand for thermal storage – ice air-conditioning is growing.

Featured article: Prepare your building for the summer cooling season
May 16, 2017
The weather is warming up. Is your building ready?

Maryland Embraces Energy Storage with First Ever Tax Credit
April 28, 2017
Maryland leads the United States in clean energy by passing the first ever tax credit for energy storage

Integrating more renewable energy in Hawaii
March 30, 2017
Economics, variable renewable energy resources and lack of grid interconnection and visibility creates a perfect storm for energy storage.

India lays out blueprint for grid modernization
February 25, 2017
Can India inspire the world and show that every nation can guarantee clean energy to all its people and do so fast?

Why now is the best time to buy into energy storage
February 17, 2017
Energy storage costs are falling and peak energy costs are rising, making now the best time to buy into energy storage.

Energy Storage Determined Prudent in Massachusetts
January 30, 2017
Massachusetts is turning to energy storage to address changing electricity grid. Here’s what commercial ratepayers need to know.

Predictions for the cleantech energy industry in 2017
December 30, 2016
The U.S. election, microgrids, energy storage and blockchain take center stage for green buildings and the cleantech industry this new year. Oh and say goodbye to net metering.

Energy storage a buzzword in New York
November 30, 2016
In early Fall 2016 New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced an initiative that promotes more energy storage installations in commercial properties. And it seems that the City is already off to a good start.

How the Internet of Things (IoT) leads to better comfort and energy management
October 28, 2016
The unparalleled insight that the Internet of Things (IoT) brings into building systems provides better comfort and smarter energy management.

Environmental Directions Interview on Thermal Energy Storage with CALMAC CEO Mark MacCracken
October 5, 2016
Listen to this radio broadcast of Mark MacCracken on the Environmental Directions Radio Series, the number one and longest running international environmental program of its kind.

The link between solar energy and thermal storage
September 7, 2016
Explore the similarities and benefits of two types of thermal energy storage.

The inevitable decline of nuclear and rise of energy storage
July 28, 2016
The rush to incorporate more renewable energy at the expense of reducing fossil-fuel generation sources has left a major gap for energy storage to fill.

Energy storage market worth $250 billion in 2040: Here are 7 reasons why
July 27, 2016
Renewable energy has won its fair share of hype. Now it's time for energy storage to take center stage.

How can energy storage help your commercial building?
July 25, 2016
As a building or campus facility manager, it's likely you've heard of thermal energy storage. Yet what do you really know about storing energy and is it right for your building?

Is your commercial building prepared for future heatwaves?
July 22, 2016
Heatwaves are in full stride across the United States this summer.

Planning ahead for the party: An analogy for commercial air conditioning
June 21, 2016
With the Fourth of July nearing, thousands of companies and families will be planning ahead for their gatherings and reunions by ensuring guests will have comfortable surroundings with proper amenities and by pre-purchasing supplies of food, beverages, and ice to keep supplies cold in bulk quantities to make sure the attendees will be comfortable. Is your commercial building doing the same pre planning that can save money and improve comfort?

5 ways to keep cooling costs down
June 17, 2016
The first heat wave has come and gone and as a commercial building owner, you're likely getting prepared for another expensive cooling season.

Sky high electricity prices causing businesses to suffer in Ontario
June 8, 2016
Electricity is the often neglected overhead for many businesses, but in Ontario, Canada, the price of operating your building can mean the difference between a budget in the red or in the black.

Come join CALMAC at the ISI/PSA Conference in Las Vegas, NV
June 1, 2016
The Ice Skating Institute and Professional Skaters Association are joining forces once again to present this year's ISI/PSA joint conference.

Texas proves renewables and energy storage mix well
May 26, 2016
Texas is hoping to gain the upper hand in renewable energy development for financial reasons, but could end up being a major supporter of energy storage along the way.