Texas proves renewables and energy storage mix well

May 26, 2016
Texas has turned into one of America's workhorses when it comes to integrating renewable resources. In fact, Texas ranks as number one in the U.S. for wind energy production and as one of the top 10 of states for installed solar capacity. However, despite all this success the renewable renaissance occurring in Texas isn't possible without energy storage.
Since the wind only blows at certain times, and the sun is only out for a finite number of hours each day, there must to be some medium that can store excess power and make it usable when it's needed.
State of energy in Texas
In mid-April, the Texas Senate voted to shut down its Renewable Portfolio Standard, as well as the Texas Competitive Renewable Energy Zone Initiative (CREZ). This wasn't done because of failure, but simply because the programs were so successful.
"Texas surpassed its renewable energy legislative target."
According to the Texas Tribune, Texas received such high participation rates that it passed its renewable energy goal years ago. The CREZ program, a $7 billion initiative which funded a number of power lines connected to wind-turbine farms, was completed in 2015.
In fact, MIT reports that Texas may have too much renewable energy causing electricity prices to drop. One solution is for utilities to build long distance transmission lines and sell electricity out of state but that's costly. A second, more viable solution currently in the works is energy storage.
Energy storage makes it possible
Aware of the shortcomings of renewable energy, Texas committed to its first-ever grid-connected solar system, which couldn't have been done without a massive energy storage deal. The system is an important step for adding more renewable energy while ensuring reliability. The system also represents a major win for energy storage, as it is proving it's both economically feasible and environmentally responsible to store to renewable energy.

For the love of money
It shouldn't come as a surprise that Texans took so quickly to renewable energy. Citizens of the state have a reputation for making money off of energy, most notably oil.
Take for example, the city of Georgetown which decided to be powered by 100% renewable energy. In an effort to provide financial stability and profitability, the Texas city is urging citizens to get all of their energy needs from renewable resources.
"I'm probably the furthest thing from an Al Gore clone you could find," Jim Briggs, interim city manager of Georgetown, told The Guardian. "We didn't do this to save the world - we did this to get a competitive rate and reduce the risk for our consumers."
This is a great sign for the renewable resources sector, as citizens are now seeing the venture as both economically feasible and prudent.
Still there is a downside. Renewable energy is simply not reliable or extensive enough to meet peak demand according to a Texas state report. As a result, Georgetown government buildings, schools and businesses will not get the most out of their investment without energy storage.
Fortunately, energy storage technologies, like thermal energy storage can be used in the city's commercial buildings to help reduce peak demand charges. Thermal energy storage is essentially an air conditioning system battery. Cooling is made and stored at night. Considering that demand charges make up to 70% of a summer electric bill, building owners get a big break by installing thermal energy storage.
Thermal energy storage is proven to save money by reducing peak demand at over 8,000 installations including several Texan sites such as the recently installed system at Alamo Heights Independent School District and the 25 year old project at JC Penney headquarters.