
The energy industry publishes a near constant stream of thought provoking papers on green energy, energy storage, renewables—along with ongoing developments, research, current trends and more.  To help keep building professionals on the pulse of the industry, we’ve curated some of the best papers we’ve seen and collected them here.

The Energy Water Nexus and the Role of Air-Conditioning

Engineered Systems

Most engineers focus on improving energy efficiency to reduce energy consumption. There is, however, another mportant component that impacts energy use and that has, to this point, been largely ignored — water consumption. Water and energy are invariably intertwined into what is referred to as the energy water nexus.

Renewable-Powered HVAC Powered With Thermal Storage

ASHRAE Journal

Replacing or supplementing a building’s heating and cooling energy requirements with renewable-powered alternatives is attractive, particularly in areas with vast renewable resources. However, regardless of the selected renewable generating method, the resources are usually intermittent. In the case of heating and cooling applications, thermal storage is an attractive and readily available technology to overcome this intermittency.

The Hidden Daytime Costs of Electricity

ASHRAE Journal

Whether or not you know it, if you manage an office building, school, university, mall, or hospital and are in a region that has a demand charge over $10 per kilowatt each month, the price you pay for electricity is likely more than twice as much during the day than it is at night. Even customers who receive “flat rates” from their utility or third-party supplier pay a much higher rate during daytime hours, due to the effects of demand charges. In a sense, demand charges serve as a peak-time adder for a typical nonresidential customer with a bell-shaped load curve, making energy twice as expensive during the day – or, looking at it from another perspective, half-off at night.

Future Climate Impacts On Building Design

ASHRAE Journal

The climate is changing as evidenced by ASHRAE Research Project 1453, which recently updated the climate zones and design conditions in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169-2013, Climate Data for Building Design Standards. How will the changing climate impact building design and operation?

Energy Storage Providing for a Low Carbon Future

ASHRAE Journal

The world's need to reduce its carbon emissions by reducing, in part, its dependence on fossil fuel, will completely change the make up of our electric delivery system. The reason is simple fossil fuels are not just forms of energy; they are forms of stored energy. Coal is not hot until you light it. If we plan to replace fossil fuels with other forms of energy, such as wind power or solar, then we also need to replace the storage characteristic of fossil fuels.

Thermal Energy Storage Myths

ASHRAE Journal

Using thermal energy storage has shifted gigawatts of power off of daytime peaks in a cost-effective manner. However, thermal energy storage (TES) market penetration is small in comparison to its potential. Why?

Source Energy and Environmental Impacts of Thermal Energy Storage

California Energy Commission

In numerous studies, it has been proven that electricity is produced and delivered much more efficiently during off-peak hours than during on-peak periods. For every kilowatt-hour of energy that is shifted from on-peak usage to off-peak, there is a reduction in the source fuel needed to generate it. While the exact amount of savings varies, studies show a range from 8 to 30 percent for two of the major utilities studied. The reduction in source fuel normally results in a reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions produced by the power plant.

The Free Lunch Algorithm

Facilities Engineering Journal

Until recently, demand charges have been over looked on bills. Many facilities professionals have focused on reducing their costs by cutting kilowatt-hours (kWh) consumption, but now that managers can reduce the demand charge, that mindset is changing. This article will present a summary of the challenges and a unique "Free Lunch" algorithm designed to lower utility demand charges in buildings with control systems.

What Does a Smart Grid Mean to You and Me

Design Cost Data

Designers of buildings and cooling systems must recognize how using and purchasing energy from the smart grid will change their practices accordingly. How much and when electricity is used is changing and building owners must understand that a little more investment in the life cycle cost and design stage can pay big dividends later. 

Saves Energy, Money Thermal Energy Storage, ASHRAE Journal

ASHRAE Journal

Thermal energy storage has been widely used in the commercial sector since the 1980s to shift HVAC cooling load out of the peak demand period of the day. By charging a chilled water or ice-based thermal energy storage system overnight, a facility can take advantage of off-peak electricity prices and reduce any charges based on peak demand.

Ground-Coupled Heat Pump and Energy Storage

ASHRAE Journal

Ground-coupled heat pump (GCHP) systems consume less purchased energy than an HVAC system using fossil fuel and electricity directly for heating and cooling. However, the cost of building the ground heat exchanger (GHX) often prevents acceptance of GBHP systems.