Media Coverage
Industry publications, along with the mainstream press, and many publishers passionate about building performance and design and green energy are writing terrific pieces on the real world benefits of thermal energy storage. Discover the stories below.
A Balanced System Approach to the Water-Energy Nexus
January 2019
Water conservation is an important part of commercial building design.
NIST's Testbed for Optimizing Building System Performance
December 2018
The National Institute of Standards is working to optimizing intelligent building and control approaches, model complex operations to challenge control systems, develop data driven models using machine learning for intelligent controls.
Workers scramble to keep a holiday tradition alive after California's wildfires
The Camp Fire devastated Paradise, California, and the surrounding community, but it's not stopping one popular holiday tradition.
How Thermal Energy Storage Saves on Peak Power Usage
June 22, 2018
The owners of commercial buildings, industrial facilities, schools, hospitals, resorts, and government facilities are increasingly turning to thermal energy storage to help reduce the amount of power they consume during the most expensive peak hours of the day. Often, these building owners turn to chilled-water or ice-based storage as their preferred thermal energy storage method.
More accurate valuation finds thermal energy storage up to 77 percent more impactful than previously
June 12, 2018
With heating, ventilation and air conditioning making up 40 percent of a building’s energy use, power consumption forecast to grow 13 percent by 2040, and 72 gigawatts of the country’s aging electrical generating capacity retired, or set to retire, the industry is looking for ways to raise resilience, leverage renewable energy, and lower operating costs.
Norton Healthcare invests $18 million in Norton Audubon energy plant
June 4, 2018
Norton Healthcare invested $18 million in thermal storage and a cutting-edge hybrid energy plant at Norton Audubon Hospital.
Leveraging Thermal Energy Storage for Lower Emissions and Costs
May 22, 2018
BOMA Cornerstone Partner Showcase. See pages 56-57.
Reducing energy consumption Norton Healthcare
May 17, 2018
Cutting-edge hybrid energy plant leads the way at Norton Audubon Hospital.
Thermal Energy Storage for a Low-Carbon Future
May 15, 2018
Much of those emissions come from energy used to operate buildings - this can be reduced, but how? One key element is thermal energy storage technologies.
Axiom Exergy Closes Series A for Grocery Store Thermal Storage With Shell, GXP
May 9, 2018
Axiom Exergy uses thermal storage to shave grocery stores' electricity bills and keep food safe during blackouts.
2018 AHR EXPO Show Report - Chiller & Cooling Tower Technology
May 2, 2018
CALMAC, a portfolio of Trane, showcased ice storage tanks during their AHR booth. These are integrated with Trane (HVAC) systems to take pressure off of the energy grid.
Top HVACR Products: May 2018
May 2018
Take a closer look at the leading sustainable HVACR products.
New research reveals benefits of thermal energy storage
April 18, 2018
This study will help utility companies and building operators optimize resource planning and energy use by capturing the full value of thermal energy storage...
New Research Reveals Benefits of Thermal Energy Storage on the U.S. Grid and Managing Energy Supply
April 18, 2018
Research shows thermal energy storage can provide significantly greater benefits to utilities and electricity grid operators than previously thought.
Lovins: We’re Only Scratching the Surface on Energy Efficiency
April 15
Amory Lovins knows the conventional wisdom on energy efficiency. And he doesn’t buy it.
Energy storage charges forward
April 11, 2018
Use it or lose it. Few products in the world have a shorter shelf life than electricity. That's why pretty much everyone involved in the power sector — from utilities to buyers to startups to state regulators — is putting more energy than ever behind ways to extend it.
Energy Storage is King at this California Courthouse
April 4, 2018
How a California courthouse saved energy and money with CALMAC’s IceBank energy storage system
How energy storage is part of energy management
February 2018
In a zero net energy (ZNE) building or for grids increasing in solar or wind, cool thermal energy storage can provide additional energy agility to help optimize the energy generation mix.
California Courthouse Achieves LEED Silver Certification, Saves $100K
January 30, 2018
The Kings County Courthouse in Hanford, California, has achieved LEED Silver Certification and realized more than $100,000 in annual energy savings thanks to a thermal energy storage system.
Ice-based Thermal Energy Storage for a Lower Carbon Future
January 29, 2018
One unexpected way to help achieve carbon reduction goals is with ice.
CALMAC Showcases Thermal Energy Storage System Technology at AHR Expo
January 25, 2018
Attendees of AHR Expo can learn how Kings County Courthouse was transformed into a more sustainable civic landmark with new Ice Bank energy storage system.
Doing the Math, When thermal storage adds up
January 18, 2018
For buildings that experience high energy consumption, Ice Thermal Energy Storage is a complimentary chiller add-on that is proven to reduce operating costs by creating and storing cooling the night before.
Renewable-Powered HVAC Powered With Thermal Storage
December 2017
Replacing or supplementing a building’s heating and cooling energy requirements with renewable-powered alternatives is attractive, particularly in areas with vast renewable resources. However, regardless of the selected renewable generating method, the resources are usually intermittent. In the case of heating and cooling applications, thermal storage is an attractive and readily available technology to overcome this intermittency.
Was 2017 the Year Global Energy Giants Went All-In on the Distributed Energy Revolution?
December 28, 2017
It's been an interesting year for mergers and acquisitions in the distributed energy space, with some unexpected developments.
Forward economic signs justify still-positive outlook
December 27, 2017
Several positive signs out there that we are hearing from across our industry
Q4 M&A Recap For Industrial Distributors, Suppliers, Industrial Distribution
December 26, 2017
As we forge ahead into 2018 and market indicators continue to look positive for the year ahead, let's take a look back on the merger & acquisition-related deals that occurred during the fourth quarter of 2017.
Guidelines to more resilient commercial buildings
December 5, 2017
Due to weather events, such as hurricanes or thunderstorms, a growing number of businesses are turning to Resiliency Planning for more reliable power.
New ice age: CALMAC banks on thermal cooling tech
November 29, 2017
Energy storage is going to be huge.
Trane Facility in Pueblo Celebrates 30-year Anniversary
November 20, 2017
The ice storage system at the Pueblo facility allows for the most efficient use of chillers to occur, by running at night during low energy cost hours, and generating ice for daytime use during peak energy hours.
Trane Acquires Energy Storage Firm CALMAC
November 10, 2017
All aboard! Aiming to take pressure off the U.S. energy grid, NC-based HVAC giant Trane has begun integrating CALMAC ice storage tanks