Media Coverage

Elements Collide

September 17, 2013


A new ice energy-storage system better integrates wind energy at a campus in Ireland.

Melting to Keep Cool

September 10, 2013

PBS Nova:

Some of the world’s largest ice cubes can be found in the basements of Manhattan skyscrapers.

Elements Collide: Ice Storage Helps Use Wind Energy Onsite

September 3, 2013

Building Green:

CALMAC’s Icebank energy storage system helps shift the PJ Carroll building’s electrical demand to off-peak times and utilizes the energy produced by the school’s wind turbine onsite when production is at its height.

Outdated Factory Transformed into LEED-Certified School

August 5, 2013

The ACHR News:

Engineers and architects took the seemingly impossible task of recycling an outdated industrial factory into a LEED-Gold showcase of some of the HVAC industry’s most innovative equipment for Asheboro, N.C.-based Randolph Community College (RCC).

Grid-scale storage? How about building-scale storage too?

July 24, 2013

Smart Grid News:

Storage doesn't have to mean a giant stack of batteries. Thermal storage – in particular ice-based storage – can make a real contribution too, as you will read in this guest editorial from CALMAC CEO Mark MacCracken.

Thermal Energy Storage: A Peak Performer

May 9, 2013

High Rise Facilities:

Facilities across the globe are using thermal energy storage to air-condition spaces, from one of the tallest buildings in the world (the T&C Tower in Taiwan) to the first U.S. commercial skyscraper to achieve LEED Platinum certification (Bank of America Tower in New York).

The Pros and Cons of Energy Storage Systems

February 25, 2013

Triple Pundit:

There is no perfect energy source. Each and every one has its own advantages and compromises. This series will explore the pros and cons of various energy sources. Learn various other forms of energy generation here.

Wall Street's green machines

October 25, 2006

CNN Money:

Deep in the bowels of Credit Suisse's U.S. headquarters at 11 Madison Avenue, far below the gleaming trading floors where fortunes are made and lost every day, lie 64 neoprene ice storage tanks, seven feet high and six feet in diameter.