Media Coverage
Energy Storage Works With Wind Turbine to Cut Energy Costs
October 9, 2013
Tanks store nighttime wind energy in the form of ice.
Elements Collide
September 17, 2013
A new ice energy-storage system better integrates wind energy at a campus in Ireland.
Melting to Keep Cool
September 10, 2013
Some of the world’s largest ice cubes can be found in the basements of Manhattan skyscrapers.
IceBanks Cool Down NYC Power Grid
August 6, 2013
New Yorkers are cutting down their power bills with ice.
Elements Collide: Ice Storage Helps Use Wind Energy Onsite
September 3, 2013
CALMAC’s Icebank energy storage system helps shift the PJ Carroll building’s electrical demand to off-peak times and utilizes the energy produced by the school’s wind turbine onsite when production is at its height.
Outdated Factory Transformed into LEED-Certified School
August 5, 2013
Engineers and architects took the seemingly impossible task of recycling an outdated industrial factory into a LEED-Gold showcase of some of the HVAC industry’s most innovative equipment for Asheboro, N.C.-based Randolph Community College (RCC).
New York buildings beat the heat with ice
August 2, 2013
Some of New York's most high-profile and high-tech buildings are resorting to an ancient method to keep cool.
Legislation spotlights building-scale energy storage
July 25, 2013
Why storage is so essential and the legislation thats helping.
Grid-scale storage? How about building-scale storage too?
July 24, 2013
Storage doesn't have to mean a giant stack of batteries. Thermal storage – in particular ice-based storage – can make a real contribution too, as you will read in this guest editorial from CALMAC CEO Mark MacCracken.
Permanent load shifting and the future of energy storage
July 23, 2013
Energy storage is critical to creating a more reliable, efficient electrical grid by optimizing other grid assets and utilizing them more intelligently.
Calmac brings energy storage to Irish university
July 16, 2013
Energy storage firm CALMAC, installed its IceBank energy storage tanks at the Dundalk Institute of Technology in Ireland.
From Keeping Malls Cool to Making Ice
July 7, 2013
Energy storage in South Africa.
Philadelphia high-rise becomes ‘virtual power plant’
July 1, 2013
At 1500 Walnut St. in Philadelphia stands a piece of history — a 22-story piece of history to be exact
California Sets Energy Storage Target of 1.3GW by 2020
June 11, 2013
After years of wrangling, California’s energy storage future starts to take shape.
Thermal Energy Storage: A Peak Performer
May 9, 2013
Facilities across the globe are using thermal energy storage to air-condition spaces, from one of the tallest buildings in the world (the T&C Tower in Taiwan) to the first U.S. commercial skyscraper to achieve LEED Platinum certification (Bank of America Tower in New York).
Thermal-Energy Storage Helps Transform High-Rise Into Virtual Power Plant
May 1, 2013
New HVAC system prepares building for smart grid
Moving Towards Energy Efficiency? Retrofit with Smart Air-Conditioning
April 30, 2014
Thinking about an energy efficiency upgrade? Read this article first.
CALMAC selected as a 2013 Money-Saving Product of the year
April 16, 2014
The IceBank® tanks join an elite group of 53 products, which were chosen by BUILDINGS’ editorial staff for the financial benefits that they offer building owners and facility managers.
Philadelphia, PA, High-rise HVAC System Renovated
March 26, 2013
Integration assists in saving the 84-year-old building up to $40,000 a month in energy costs and generating $10,000 of annual revenue through utility incentive programs.
Building Relies on Ice Storage and Software to Become Virtual Power Plant
March 11, 2013
A 22-story, 270,000-square-foot high-rise commercial building located at 1500 Walnut in Philadelphia was facing a failing HVAC system and declining tenant satisfaction.
CALMAC IceBank tanks and chillers used to renovate commercial building's outdated HVAC system
March 11, 2013
CALMAC, a designer and manufacturer of thermal energy storage, was recently awarded a contract to install its thermal energy storage tanks at a 22-story, 270,000-square-foot high-rise commercial building located in Philadelphia.
The Pros and Cons of Energy Storage Systems
February 25, 2013
There is no perfect energy source. Each and every one has its own advantages and compromises. This series will explore the pros and cons of various energy sources. Learn various other forms of energy generation here.
Texas Electricity Problems
January 29, 2013
Everything is bigger in Texas, especially their energy consumption.
Is Your Building a Candidate for Thermal Energy Storage
August 24, 2012
Evaluate your bill and load to determine if thermal storage is right for you.
CALMAC Energy Storage Solution A Viable Option For Integrating Renewable Energy Generation
December 15, 2010
Mark MacCracken, the CEO of CALMAC, emphasizes the importance of energy storage and how companies like his are finding innovative ways to make energy storage a more viable option in this candid interview.
Wall Street's green machines
October 25, 2006
Deep in the bowels of Credit Suisse's U.S. headquarters at 11 Madison Avenue, far below the gleaming trading floors where fortunes are made and lost every day, lie 64 neoprene ice storage tanks, seven feet high and six feet in diameter.