Energy Storage Articles
Read stories about the status and future of energy storage around the world and how energy storage makes renewable energy more viable. Or, learn to save more with peak demand reduction strategies. Find out why some believe the complete transformation of utilities is just a few decades away and how you can prepare.

India lays out blueprint for grid modernization
February 25, 2017
Can India inspire the world and show that every nation can guarantee clean energy to all its people and do so fast?

Thermal energy storage could help make smart cities a reality
April 1, 2015
Smart cities could be the next arena where energy storage makes a big difference.

Universities at home and abroad save with thermal energy storage
February 26, 2015
Academic institutions worldwide are curbing their power costs with energy storage.

Thermal energy storage runs hot and cold in South Africa
February 24, 2015
Last year saw an expansion of both hot and cool thermal energy storage in South Africa.

Instability of the grid drives the need for energy storage and renewables
February 13, 2015
A mix of energy storage and renewable energy offers answers to peak demand problems.

Achieving the Demand Response LEED credit
November 20, 2014
The importance of the Demand Response LEED credit for buildings and the grid.

Robust resiliency for the nation's power grid may be just around the corner
October 31, 2014
Adoption of microgrids and energy storage are making great strides in resolving the power grid's weaknesses.

Energy storage could follow in the wake of solar
October 30, 2014
Energy storage is following in solar's lead, becoming integral to the renewable energy push.

European utilities embrace and invest in energy storage
October 16, 2014
The lure of smart grid development and a cleaner grid has led many European utilities to pursue stored energy solutions.

Thermal energy storage and renewables are the wave of the future
September 9, 2014
The presence of thermal energy storage in combination with renewable energy is growing as more organizations look for ways to manage their peak power usage and reduce operating costs.

Thermal energy storage stores wind power on college campus in Ireland
July 8, 2014
Thermal energy storage proves it can make more efficient use of renewable energy by addressing the intermittency of wind power on a college campus.

School district committed to efficiency saves about $5 million, receives award
June 25, 2014
Taking greater control of utility demands and improving operational efficiency can help educational institutions achieve financial and academic success.

Meet rising power demand with climate friendly air-conditioning
June 23, 2014
The price of power is on the rise in all parts of the world, while at the same time, climate change experts are saying the temperatures and environmental factors are likely to keep getting more severe. Is climate friendly air-conditioning the answer?

USGBC's Green Building Information Gateway Features CALMAC projects
June 20, 2014
Greenbuilding professionals can explore CALMAC's collection of almost twenty LEED projects on the USGBC Green Building information Gateway.

Energy storage options help some gain LEED® Platinum
June 18, 2014
Energy storage is one tactic some businesses are using to help achieve their green goals of LEED Platinum.