Energy Storage Articles
Read stories about the status and future of energy storage around the world and how energy storage makes renewable energy more viable. Or, learn to save more with peak demand reduction strategies. Find out why some believe the complete transformation of utilities is just a few decades away and how you can prepare.

Trends: The growing thermal energy storage market for comfort cooling
June 27, 2017
3 reasons why demand for thermal storage – ice air-conditioning is growing.

Predictions for the cleantech energy industry in 2017
December 30, 2016
The U.S. election, microgrids, energy storage and blockchain take center stage for green buildings and the cleantech industry this new year. Oh and say goodbye to net metering.

The inevitable decline of nuclear and rise of energy storage
July 28, 2016
The rush to incorporate more renewable energy at the expense of reducing fossil-fuel generation sources has left a major gap for energy storage to fill.

Is your commercial building prepared for future heatwaves?
July 22, 2016
Heatwaves are in full stride across the United States this summer.

Sky high electricity prices causing businesses to suffer in Ontario
June 8, 2016
Electricity is the often neglected overhead for many businesses, but in Ontario, Canada, the price of operating your building can mean the difference between a budget in the red or in the black.

Texas proves renewables and energy storage mix well
May 26, 2016
Texas is hoping to gain the upper hand in renewable energy development for financial reasons, but could end up being a major supporter of energy storage along the way.

What you need to know about utility revenue decoupling
March 24, 2016
Utility decoupling encourages more renewables and energy storage while keeping electricity bills under control.

Spotlight on energy storage in the Baltimore Washington metro area
March 21, 2016
How energy storage can lower utility bills of commercial buildings and schools in Maryland and D.C.

Building Professionals Learn About Energy Storage in Tropical Climates at MiaGreen Expo
February 18, 2016
CALMAC addresses the high cost of energy for commercial buildings amidst a renewable boom in the Caribbean, Latin America and Southeast United States.

Supreme Court scores a major win for demand response and consumers by upholding FERC Order 745
February 1, 2016
The Supreme Court upheld FERC Order 745 and sustained momentum behind demand response.

How can businesses use thermal energy storage to cash in on Flexiwatts?
January 29, 2016
Thermal energy storage solutions make it possible for businesses to take advantage of Flexiwatt savings.

Visitors to the 2016 AHR Expo can learn more about "Ice Made Easy" energy storage solutions from CALMAC
January 26, 2016
Visitors to the 2016 AHR Expo will get to see thermal energy storage up close thanks to CALMAC.

A conversation about zero energy building with CALMAC CEO Mark MacCracken
January 22, 2016
CALMAC CEO Mark MacCracken discusses the future of green building and zero energy.

Yesterday vs.Tomorrow: An overview of building energy storage trends continuing into 2016
January 11, 2016
Energy storage stays hot going in 2016 thanks to these trends.

Insights into factors driving energy storage adoption in the world's Asian markets
December 8, 2015
Japan and South Korea are poised to follow the U.S. into the future of energy storage.

Energy storage will help nanogrids catch the eye of utilities and business leaders alike
December 2, 2015
Nanogrids paired with energy storage offers delivers microgrid performance for a single building.

The nation's capitol continues to lead the green building charge
November 18, 2015
Taking a closer look at how green building continues to thrive in Washington, D.C.

Green building advantages that shouldn't be dismissed
October 22, 2015
Overlooking green building advantages is a lost opportunity for construction and design professionals.

4 reasons energy storage will become an essential part of the power grid's ongoing evolution
October 16, 2015
It won't be long before storage becomes integral to the nation's energy infrastructure.

Energy storage can help the country turn the corner on fossil fuel dependence
October 13, 2015
Energy storage can act as a vehicle to help accelerate renewables past fossil fuels.

Nuclear power remains controversial as renewable energy attracts a closer look
October 8, 2015
Will America's latest energy direction leave nuclear power trailing behind?

Green building is making strides in South Africa
October 5, 2015
Building owners in South Africa will benefit from focusing on sustainable projects.

4 signs that peaker plants are on their way toward obsolescence
September 21, 2015
Peaker plants are seeing their way out the door as the energy storage era begins.

4 reasons green building makes more business sense than ever before
September 16, 2015
Commercial clients look to architects in helping construct green buildings

Obama's latest energy policy announcement is good news for storage
September 11, 2015
New funds authorized for solar and energy storage projects could encourage new adoption trends.

Thermal energy storage sees ongoing development in India
August 3, 2015
India looks to address its energy problems with greater adoption of energy storage.

Three reasons for commercial energy users to address peak electrical demand
July 10, 2015
What businesses need to know about energy pricing during summer months.

3 states where energy storage is gaining momentum in 2015
June 5, 2015
These states are positioned to be energy storage hubs in the near future.

Greater interest in renewables enables energy storage growth in Taiwan
May 27, 2015
Taiwan seems headed in a direction that makes room for more energy storage applications.

The current progress of energy storage in California
May 20, 2015
Energy storage continues to see opportunities for growth in the Golden State.