Energy Storage Articles
Read stories about the status and future of energy storage around the world and how energy storage makes renewable energy more viable. Or, learn to save more with peak demand reduction strategies. Find out why some believe the complete transformation of utilities is just a few decades away and how you can prepare.

How the Internet of Things (IoT) leads to better comfort and energy management
October 28, 2016
The unparalleled insight that the Internet of Things (IoT) brings into building systems provides better comfort and smarter energy management.

The link between solar energy and thermal storage
September 7, 2016
Explore the similarities and benefits of two types of thermal energy storage.

The inevitable decline of nuclear and rise of energy storage
July 28, 2016
The rush to incorporate more renewable energy at the expense of reducing fossil-fuel generation sources has left a major gap for energy storage to fill.

Energy storage market worth $250 billion in 2040: Here are 7 reasons why
July 27, 2016
Renewable energy has won its fair share of hype. Now it's time for energy storage to take center stage.

How can energy storage help your commercial building?
July 25, 2016
As a building or campus facility manager, it's likely you've heard of thermal energy storage. Yet what do you really know about storing energy and is it right for your building?

Sky high electricity prices causing businesses to suffer in Ontario
June 8, 2016
Electricity is the often neglected overhead for many businesses, but in Ontario, Canada, the price of operating your building can mean the difference between a budget in the red or in the black.

Texas proves renewables and energy storage mix well
May 26, 2016
Texas is hoping to gain the upper hand in renewable energy development for financial reasons, but could end up being a major supporter of energy storage along the way.

Ways thermal storage can help the environment
May 5, 2016
In the aftermath of Earth Day, many people may be thinking, "What can be done to help the environment?" Here are two ways HVAC systems can lower the impact of cooling on the environment by applying thermal energy storage.

NFMT HPB+W event kicks off in Austin
May 2, 2016
The NFMT High Performance Buildings and Workplaces (HPB+W) has kicked off its second-annual show in at the Austin Convention Center in Texas, and will run until May 4.

California's assembly bill 2514 and the grid storage revolution
April 12, 2016
California is pioneering a massive integration of energy storage onto the grid, and it could be at the heels of a national revolution.

Thermal energy storage across the United States
April 4, 2016
CALMAC has brought the power of ice to the United States with many thermal energy storage success stories in the spotlight.

Your go-to guide for CALMAC's energy storage resources
April 1, 2016
Learn everything you need to know about ice storage and gain all the tools to get started on your next project.

How energy storage and renewable resources make a perfect team
March 31, 2016
Energy storage isn't new, so why is it making news? Simply put - it has the ability to put renewables on the map, even more so than they already are.

A look at CALMAC's leadership
March 29, 2016
CALMAC is devoted to thermal energy storage technology. Come meet the team and who's at the helm.

Did you know about these 5 energy storage benefits?
March 28, 2016
Energy #StorageIsHere but do you really know the true value of it?

What you need to know about utility revenue decoupling
March 24, 2016
Utility decoupling encourages more renewables and energy storage while keeping electricity bills under control.

Supreme Court scores a major win for demand response and consumers by upholding FERC Order 745
February 1, 2016
The Supreme Court upheld FERC Order 745 and sustained momentum behind demand response.

A conversation about zero energy building with CALMAC CEO Mark MacCracken
January 22, 2016
CALMAC CEO Mark MacCracken discusses the future of green building and zero energy.

Yesterday vs.Tomorrow: An overview of building energy storage trends continuing into 2016
January 11, 2016
Energy storage stays hot going in 2016 thanks to these trends.

3 theories about the future of energy storage and peaker plants
January 6, 2016
Energy storage will address long-time issues with renewables and peaker plants.

Time-of-use rates can help grid operators and businesses to control their costs
December 16, 2015
Time-of-use operations and storage offer solutions to major grid problems.

California's commercial buildings can keep cool while conserving water with ice storage
December 9, 2015
The drought in California shines a spotlight on the advantages of thermal energy storage.

Insights into factors driving energy storage adoption in the world's Asian markets
December 8, 2015
Japan and South Korea are poised to follow the U.S. into the future of energy storage.

Energy storage adoption continues to ramp up in Hawaii
December 4, 2015
Hawaii's quest for energy independence drives new storage ventures.

Energy storage will help nanogrids catch the eye of utilities and business leaders alike
December 2, 2015
Nanogrids paired with energy storage offers delivers microgrid performance for a single building.

3 reasons why renewables will work better with energy storage
November 24, 2015
Renewables can achieve new heights with energy storage providing the boost.

Building resilience and looking past sustainability
November 20, 2015
Sustainability and resilience can work hand in hand.

Energy storage paves the way for renewables
November 10, 2015
Energy storage technologies are paving the way for more renewables. Utilization of renewables has increased 60% along side growing demand for energy storage.

Green building advantages that shouldn't be dismissed
October 22, 2015
Overlooking green building advantages is a lost opportunity for construction and design professionals.

What makes energy so expensive for American companies?
October 20, 2015
What factors drive the price of power needed to keep their facilities up and running?