India lays out blueprint for grid modernization

February 25, 2017
India's infrastructure is in dire straits. To improve conditions, the country is working quickly to modernize its fragile infrastructure with renewable energy targets and investment in energy storage.
Should India succeed with its energy plans, India could become a world leader in renewable energy integration in just under a decade.
Attempting a difficult feat
India is in a unique position compared to the rest of the world. While many parts of India are indeed seen as developed, the county’s inability to bring electricity to numerous rural regions has left nearly 300 million people without power completely, according to the Washington Post.
"300 million people in India don't have access to power."
Solar power has been growing as a popular solution to generate electricity in India. Areas without access to the grid can use it as a replacement until the government creates new power lines, while those in developed areas see it as a backup for the well-known rolling brownouts and blackouts. Yet, without energy storage, solar leaves the grid in a quandary. How can utilities guarantee power even when the sun isn't shining? The answer is energy storage.
India hopes to change all of this instability surrounding electricity with both a renewable energy storage target and by procurement of energy storage. Greentech Media reported the country aims to integrate 175 gigawatts of solar, wind and other renewable resources by 2022—an ambitious goal for a nation whose citizens are, for the large part, still in the dark.
Taking action now
Enough clean energy and energy storage to meet India’s renewable energy target is extremely ambitious. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there's just over 193 GW of storage capacity installed across the world right now, and India would come closing to doubling that figure. But Logan Goldie-Scot, an energy storage expert with Bloomberg New Energy Finance, believes it's possible.
"India could add 10 gigawatts of renewables every year from 2017," Goldie-Scot told GTM. "Rooftop solar is becoming the fastest-growing segment in the renewable sector due to strong demand from commercial and industrial users." India already operates the world's largest solar power plant, a 648 megawatt farm in Kamuthi, Tamil Nadu, according to Greentech Media (GTM).
To supplement the renewable energy, Tata Power offers incentives for thermal energy storage. In addition, the state run Solar Energy Corporation of India has solicited 100 MW of energy storage.
CALMAC Corp has over 10 megawatts of thermal energy storage installed across India with 1MW installed in the last year. Recently Tata Power Delhi Distribution commissioned a new solar array project that would bring the country its first grid-scale battery storage system. At just 10 MW it's not nearly enough to push the meter in the right direction, but it's certainly a start and a sign that India is committed to its self-imposed mandate.
Moving forward, 10 gigawatts of pumped hydro is planned to come online in the next five years and Bloomberg New Energy Finance expects 800 megawatts of energy storage to be commissioned by 2020.
"Storage is relatively more crucial for the growth of renewables in India as compared to many other countries, as India does not have a lot of gas-based power generation to balance the grid," Jasmeet Khurana, associate director of the consultancy Bridge to India, told GTM.
If India is able to bring clean power to 300 million people by integrating energy storage in the same breath, will it inspire the world and show that every nation can guarantee clean energy to all its people and do so fast?
Corporations such as commercial buildings, hospitals, schools and data centers that require reliable power have turned to back-up generators and energy storage sited at their facilities to ensure zero downtime during outages.
Will other countries follow suit?
India's ambitious renewable energy storage target comes at a pivotal juncture in regard to the global outlook on the industry. Governments are heeding scientists' warnings of climate change and are acting quickly to divest from oil and coal.
Costa Rica, for example, operated for almost two months straight in 2016 off of just renewable energy, according to Science Alert. Australia currently sources one-fifth of its electricity from wind, solar and geothermal sources, Renew Economy reported. China and Germany have 40 gigawatts of each and America has 27 gigawatts, about 13% of electricity generation. Likewise energy storage incentives and mandates are cropping up across the United States, Germany and India.
The adoption of renewable resources and energy storage is growing substantially yet have a long way to go. The world still relies predominantly on fossil fuels. The success of India integrating 175 gigawatts of renewable energy will, in effect, create a blueprint for other countries to follow. If India is able to bring clean power to 300 million people by integrating energy storage in the same breath, will it inspire the world and show that every nation can guarantee clean energy to all its people and do so fast?