Newsletter November 2016
In the news
In this month's newsletter, we'll be highlighting a few noteworthy projects that received the attention of the press. Take a look too at our most recent blog article and video case study!
Projects in the news include the award winning Ingersoll Rand/Trane LEED Gold headquarters. This incredible project utilized a prepackaged ice comfort solution and achieved 34 percent energy improvement over ASHRAE Standard 90.1. Next, the San Diego Tribune took a closer look at local energy storage by touring an impressive two decade old 600kW IceBank energy storage installation and new 200kW Tesla battery. Lastly, Engineered Systems highlighted a Los Angeles resort. The resort's upgrade to ice lowered its peak electrical demand by as much as 46% despite switches in both utility provider and rate structure after its initial new chiller plant design was finished.
New to our blog, CALMAC breaks down the significance of the Internet of Things (IoT) for HVAC and energy management.
Watch below as Dan Whitcraft, CFM describes the advantages of thermal energy storage for his facility in this new video case study.
New Video Case Study: Library district takes advantage of load-shifting technology to capitalize on low-cost night-time energy with the help of ice cooling.
Upcoming events
1. AEE Southern California Chapter
Luncheon presentation discussing utility rates, thermal storage basics, integration with renewable forms of energy and additional drivers for storage.
Thursday, November 10, 2016 (11:30am - 1:00pm)
2. New Jersey Building Engineering Facility Maintenance Show
Presentation: Controlling the Hidden Costs in Your Electric Bill with Ice-Based Energy Storage”
Wednesday, December 7 from 12:45-1:45 p.m. in Room A.
3. AHR Expo 2017, Las Vegas
Featuring the ice completion module in Booth C1016
January 30 - February 1, 2017
Energy Storage News
- Comfort on Ice, Contracting Business
- Energy storage growth: Something old as well as some things new, The San Diego Union Tribune
- Ice bank storage melts away L.A. resort's utility costs, Engineering Systems
- How the Internet of Things (IoT) leads to better comfort and energy management, CALMAC Blog
- Alachua County Library Headquarters, Video Case Study