Newsletter August 2016
Welcome to the August newsletter! In this month's edition, read a new case study on the energy storage system at Alachua County Library Headquarters. And enjoy this sneak peak inside one of the coolest sustainability features at the LEED ND Gold development ENCORE! where every effort has been made to minimize environmental impact.
Also, catch up on recent media coverage about ice based energy storage and CALMAC from acclaimed editorial resources such as Popular Science, Treehugger, Forbes, Greenbuilding News, ACHR News, the IFMA Journal, Nature World News and of course also our very own blog.
Other News
To meet CALMAC in person at the upcoming Heapy Engineering Dayton Green Expo, register here!
Energy storage news
- Media Coverage: How to Make an Ice Cube into a Battery, Popular Science
- Media Coverage: Batteries Made of Ice Cubes? This Unique Cooling System is Just What You Need This Summer, Nature World News
- Media Coverage: Fighting Air Conditioning's Peak Demand With Thermal Energy Storage, Forbes
- Media Coverage: Library Headquarters Cuts Energy Demand, IFMA
- Is your commercial building prepared for future heatwaves?, CALMAC Blog
- How can energy storage help your commercial building?, CALMAC Blog
- Media Coverage: HVAC’s Role in Net-zero Buildings, ACHR News
- Media Coverage: Zero energy and onsite thermal energy storage, Treehugger
- Media Coverage: Energy Storage: The Facility Manager's Greatest Tool, GreenBuildingNews
- Energy storage market worth $250 billion in 2040: Here are 7 reasons why, CALMAC Blog
- The inevitable decline of nuclear and rise of energy storage, CALMAC Blog