Newsletter January 2014
Hello everyone. While 2014 is well underway, here is just a quick recap of 2013 news.
CALMAC was honored to have IceBank® thermal energy storage selected as a 2013 Money-Saving Product of the Year by Buildings magazine and to receive the 100% reader selected Building Operating Management Top Products 2013 Award. IceBank® thermal energy storage “cooling tanks” were featured in High Performing Building's New and Notable Technology section and GreenTech Media named CALMAC as a leader and a major player in energy storage.
Major news highlights of 2013 included the announcement that the California Public Utilities Commission unanimously adopted Commissioner Carla Peterman's groundbreaking energy storage proposal. California also implemented a standardized permanent load shifting (PLS) program. And USGBC announced a new demand response credit that addresses peak electrical load reductions.
Both the New York Times and PBS NOVA quoted CALMAC CEO Mark MacCracken and CNN Money published an article and video on how New York City’s most high profile and high-tech buildings are beating the heat with CALMAC’s IceBank energy storage. Last but not least, the USGBC Urban Green Council honored Mark MacCracken at their annual Gala.
Projects in the news included LEED Certified projects: Los Alamos Radiological Laboratory Utility Office Building, Randolph Community College and SAP America. Find more LEED projects on the Green Building Information Gateway. And check out the new DOE International Energy Storage Database which has a partial listing of CALMAC projects. Other projects in the news included DKIT, 1500 Walnut (video) and New Mexico State University (video).
For daily updates on IceBank® energy storage, CALMAC and related industry news, please visit or follow CALMAC on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
News from 2013
- Media Alert: USGBC Honors Mark MacCracken CEO of CALMAC at Urban Green Gala: Building a Greener New York
- SmartGrid and Development, The Energy Collective
- Thermal energy storage and California's Permanent Load Shift Program
- SAP America headquarters expansion
- The Future of Energy Storage is Behind the Meter, GreenTechMedia
- 5 of the Most Important Changes to the LEED Green Building Rating System, GreenTechMedia
- 50MW of Grid Energy Storage Destined for Southern California, GreenTechMedia
- GreenBuild 2014 recap, Contractor magazine
- Collection of LEED buildings with CALMAC ice storage, Green Building Information Gateway
- Download new case study "SAP America headquarters expansion"
- Thermal energy storage provides much needed stability, WindPowerEngineering
- What California's Energy Storage Requirement Really Means, IEEE Spectrum
- 4 Major New Rulings That Will Boost Solar Power and Energy Storage in California, GreenTechMedia
- A guide to 123 Gigawatts of Grid-Scale Energy Storage: GreenTechMedia
- Energy storage delays will costs taxpayers 10 billion pounds a year, experts warn, Clickgreen
- Four reasons grid-scale energy storage is the Next Big Thing, SmartGridNews
- Five reasons you should care about California's new energy storage mandate, GigaOM
- Thermal energy storage and California's Permanent Load Shift Program
- 40% of Utilities Predict 'Complete Transformation' by 2030: GreenTechMedia
- California Set Major Energy Target and Why, EUCI
- California Forces Utilities to Invest in Storage, Energy Storage Report
- How to Implement California's Energy Storage Plan, Energy Efficiency Markets
- Arizona Utility Tries Storing Solar Energy for Use in the Dark, New York Times
- California adopts first-in-nation, San Jose Mercury News
- Energy Storage: Applications and Developing Regulation, The Daily Energy Report
- How to lose half a trillion euros, The Economist
- When Managing Electric Usage, Peak Demand is Key to Savings-Facilities Net
- Grid-Scale Energy Storage in North America 2013, GreenTechMedia
- Energy Storage Works With Wind Turbines To Cut Energy Costs, HPAC Engineering
- Filling the Gaps in the Flow of Renewable Energy, New York Times
- Schatz to co-sponsor bill on energy storage, Hawaii 24/7
- Urban Green NY to honor CALMAC CEO Mark MacCracken
- CALMAC sponsors "Most Green Government" award
- Video: Association of Energy Engineers Interview with CALMAC
- Thermal energy storage tours during the ASHRAE Winter Meeting 2014
- Use Off-Peak Electricity, Save Money, The Daily Green
- Case study: Toledo Zoo
- International expert shared thermal storage knowledge, InteractMedia
- Storage Front and Center, EnergyBiz
- California Energy Efficiency and Energy Storage Proposals: Bold Moves, Energy Efficiency Markets
- Elements Collide, GreenSource
- State PUC's proposal for utilities to store energy, SF Gate
- Energy Storage: A Vital Element in a Lower Carbon World, Berkeley Lab
- Media Alert: CALMAC CEO to present an energy storage webinar at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- State PUC's proposal for utilities to store energy, SF Gate
- Melting to Keep Cool: NOVA
- California Moves Forward on Energy Storage, Triple Pundit
- Green-Energy Storage: 'The Next Big Thing'
- Energy Storage is Cost-Effective but Needs a Clean Market Signal: Greentech Media
- California Sets Terms of Massive Energy Storage Mandate: GreenTech Media
- California Public Utilities Commission Proposes Targets for Energy Storage on eve of ESNA 2013, Market Watch
- Engineers turn outdated warehouse into LEED Gold college facility, Engineered Systems magazine
- Whitehouse calls for increased grid spending, AP
- Elements Collide: Ice Storage Helps Use Wind Energy Onsite, Environmental Building News
- Intermittent Nature of Green Power is Challenge for Utilities, New York Times
- Money for Nothing, Wall Street Journal
- The Smart Grid is Anything but Without Energy Storage
- California aims to 'bottle sunlight' in energy storage push, Financial Post
- Outdated Factory Transformed into LEED-Certified School, ACHR News
- IceBanks Cool Down NYC Power Grid- Epoch Times
- Technology New and Notable, High Performing Buildings (Cooling tanks on page 71)
- Cool Savings with Permanent Load Shifting, Southern California Edison
- Stupid Energy Tricks: An Ice Storage System-SustainablePlanet
- New York Buildings Beat the Heat with Ice, CNNMoney
- Press Release: CALMAC Brings Energy Storage to DkIT Leveraging First Large Commercial On-Campus Wind Turbine
- 5 Ways utilities fight peak summer heat, GreenBiz
- Congressional Expo Panel Discusses Storage, Electric Vehicles and Microgrids
- Legislation spotlights building-scale energy storage, GreenBiz
- FERC Order Increases Opportunity for Energy Storage, Breaking Energy
- Grid-scale storage? How about building-scale storage too? Smart Grid News
- Permanent load shifting and the future of energy storage, Intelligent Utility
- FERC's Energy Ruling Could Jump-Start Big Batteries, GreenTechGrid
- Electricity Prices Soar Past $200 per Megawatt-hour as Heat wave Hits Eastern United States, ConEdison
- New England electricity prices spike during heat wave, The Energy Collective
- Solar Energy Storage About to Take off in Germany and California, Forbes
- California Proposes Energy Storage Procurement Requirement, The National Law Review
- CALMAC puts energy storage on ice, Energy Storage Report
- Energy storage key to utility trends, Energy Storage Report
- The Case for Distributed Energy Storage, Renewable Energy World
- Irish College Stores Energy From Wind Turbine, Energy Manager Today
- CALMAC bring energy storage to Irish University, Electric Light and Power
- From Keep Malls Cool to Making Ice, SundayTribune
- Energy Storage Opportunities Opening Up in US and Europe, RenewableEnergyWorld
- The Promise of Storage, EnergyBiz
- Process Storage: Take Advantage of Valuable Energy Storage that Already Exists in the Power System, EnergyBiz
- Press Release: CALMAC's IceBank Thermal Energy Storage Tanks Named a Top Money-Saving Product by Buildings magazine
- Philadelphia high-rise becomes 'virtual power plant', Engineered Systems
- Smart Grid: Energy storage drumbeat gets stronger as California mandate comes into focus
- EIA: Electricity storage can take advantage of daily price variations, PennEnergy
- What technology class is poised to transform our electric power system? Energy Storage North America
- Lack of energy storage threatens to undermine UK solar's benefits, Solar Power Portal
- CPUC Commissioner proposes use of storage systems, San Diego Reader
- Are you ready for virtual power plants? Grid Insights Energy Central
- Energy storage systems evolving for daily grid interaction, FierceEnergy
- Commercial Building Energy Storage Systems Revenue Will Surpass $7.5 Billion Annually by 2022, Navigant Research
- A Whole-Building Systems Approach to System Efficiency, ACHRNews
- Retail Electricity Prices: It’s Time to Unbundle the Package, RockyMountainInstitute
- California Sets Energy Storage Target of 1.3GW by 2020, GreenTechGrid
- What Municipal Utilities Want from the Smart Grid, GreenTechGrid
- US Senators introduce energy storage bill, PV magazine
- Press Release: CALMAC Applauds California's Resolution to Implement a Standardized Permanent Load Shifting (PLS) Program
- Making Buildings Part of the Smart Grid Solution, The Energy Collective
- Can tax credits do for energy storage what they did for wind? SmartGridNews
- Special Report: The Rapid Rise of Green Building, Wharton's Initiative for Global Environmental Leadership
- By 2023, a Changed World in Energy, NewYorkTimes
- Focus on energy storage for grid solutions, Intelligent Utility
- NPRR 539 to include Thermal Energy Storage as Approved Technology to Receive Charging Power at Wholesale, TESA
- Thermal Energy Storage: A Peak Performer, High Rise Facilities
- Global HVAC Sector to Reach $95 Billion in 2018, ACHRNews
- UK Awards $33 Million to Energy Storage & Efficiency Projects, Bloomberg
- Energy Storage: The Holy Grail of Our Energy Revolution? Huffington Post
- The True Cost of Powering an Electric Car, Edmunds
- ERCOT Predicting Tight Conditions to Fill Summer Electricity Demands, ERCOT
- Thermal-Energy Storage Helps Transform High-Rise Into Virtual Power Plant, HPAC Engineering
- Interview with CALMAC CEO on First Smart Grid Building in Downtown Philadelphia, GreenBuildingCommunity
- Moving Towards Energy Efficiency? Retrofit with Smart Air-Conditioning, TheDailyEnergyReport
- New Jersey Wants to Boost Funding for Energy Storage Technology- Here are Some Options, ThinkProgress
- Ground-Coupled Heat Pump and Energy Storage, ASHRAE Journal
- Steady, substantial growth expected for global energy storage market, SmartGridNews
- Owners Want Smart Buildings, ConstrucTech
- Tying Energy Storage into a Modern Grid, FierceEnergy
- Engineering Sustainability 2013-Extended Abstract "Turning Your Building into a Virtual Power Plant TES and Demand Response"
- Robert King, Good Company Associates to speak on the Keynote Panel for Storage Week in Austin April 2-4, 2013, TESA
- Suzi McClellan to Testify Today on HB 2712 - Tax Exemption for some Energy Storage Systems, TESA
- EDF releases "The State of the Energy Crunch in Texas" report, TESA
- ERCOT plan rewards electricity cuts during peak demand, Star-Telegram
- Building Relies on Ice Storage and Software to Become Virtual Power Plant, Retrofit Magazine
- CALMAC Renovates 1500 Walnut Street HVAC System with IceBank Tanks for Demand Response, Green Building Community
- CALMAC Brings Energy Savings to Philadelphia High-rise Building, Contracting Business
- 84 Year Old High-Rise Saves $200k Per Year with Thermal Energy Storage Tanks, High Rise Facilities
- Philadelphia, PA, High-rise HVAC System Renovated with Thermal-energy Storage Tanks, RSES Journal
- Moniz's Interest in Energy Efficiency May Favor Electricity Storage, The Energy Collective
- The Free Lunch Algorithm Whitepaper, Facility Engineering Journal
- Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) #2: Peak Demand Shift, Enernoc
- Building Relies on Ice Storage and Software to Become Virtual Power Plant, Retrofit
- Energy storage, why are we ignoring thermal?, SmartGridNews
- Online PDH course: Air-conditioning with Thermal Storage, CED Engineering
- Press Release: CALMAC Renovates 1500 Walnut Street HVAC System with IceBank Tanks for Demand Response
- Smart Grid and Energy Storage technologies Spread, Worldwatch
- Tall Buildings and Thermal Storage
- [VIDEO] NMSU Satellite Chilled Water Facility Now Partially Operational, NMSU
- Satellite chilled water facility increases cooling capacity on NMSU campus,
- Pros and Cons of Energy Storage Systems, TriplePundit
- [VIDEO] Galaxy Elementary
- California Sets 50MW Target for Grid Energy Storage, GreentechMedia
- Thermal Energy Storage Market to Reach $3.6 Billion Worldwide by 2020, ACHRNews
- CA's new energy storage mandate: Does it signal the tipping point? SmartGridNews
- California requires 50MWof energy storage for local capacity requirements
- Smart Grid Triple Play, Distributed Energy
- AHR Expo Survey Foresees An Improving Economy
- Steady Increases in Construction Activity Projects Through 2014, AIA
- [VIDEO] AHR Expo 2013 with CALMAC
- Unanswered E1 2013 Questions on Nuclear and Energy Storage
- Not just a Super Bowl problem: Blackouts show need for smart grid, experts say
- Emerging Technologies Enable "No Regrets" Energy Strategy
- Photos from AHR Expo 2013
- Texas Electricity Problems- Facing Peak Demand, DailyEnergyReport
- Energy Storage Systems Finally Getting the Attention They Deserve, The Energy Collective
- Can Demand Response Help Us Achieve 100% Renewable Energy?, The Energy Collective