Video Case Study: Alachua County Library Headquarters

Library district takes advantage of load-shifting technology to capitalize on low-cost night-time energy.
Sarasota schools lighting up the savings

Listen to how quietly this central chiller plant operates when IceBank energy storage is activated.
Ice Enhanced Chiller Plant Project

Happy customers and successful projects come along with the ice thermal storage completion module. Find out more. Watch the video. #IceMadeEasy #Energystorage
Case Study: LEED District Cooling

A sneak peak inside one of the coolest sustainability features at ENCORE! where every effort has been made to minimize environmental impact and maximize this new district vitality as a resillient sustainable development.
CBS News: Sarasota district uses ice

The Thermal Energy Storage system is set up at 36 schools in Sarasota County pumping thermal cooling into 85% of the district at a 2 million dollar savings in energy costs a year.
Case Study: Hospital

Innovative use of air-conditioning systems, such as thermal storage provides significant cost savings.
CALMAC HQ in the news

Watch this NJTV news report on how NJ energy storage manufacturer, CALMAC, uses ice to cool buildings.
Storing for Hawai‘i's Future: The Status and Future of Energy Storage

Terry Andrews of CALMAC explains why thermal energy storage is vital to Hawai‘i's success in meeting the goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045.