Energy Storage Newsletter September 2017
Catch up on the energy news you missed.
For starters, check out 8 tips for energy storage maintenance.
New Mexico’s utilities have been ordered to consider energy storage in their plans. The U.S. Energy Information Administration announced record levels of summer electricity demand.
HVAC demand, Solar HVAC and demand response are growing. Specifically, thermal energy storage is reported as a budding HVAC option. In the future thermal storage will be normal, however energy storage can still make money now.
In addition, The New York Times reveals how HVAC is the most effective climate change solution.
Energy storage News
- New Mexico’s utilities ordered to consider energy storage in their plans, Energy Storage News
- Solar HVAC Market Continues to Heat Up, ACHR News
- The Emergence of Demand Response Programs in HVAC, ACHR News
- 8 Tips for Optimizing Energy Storage Enabled Chiller Plant for Maximum Savings, FacilitiesNet
- An Introduction to Demand Charges, CleanEnergyGroup
- Northwest heat wave leads to record levels of summer electricity demand, U.S. Energy Information Administration
- Commercial HVAC Equipment in Demand Market, ACHR News
- Thermal Energy Storage a Budding HVAC Option, ACHR News
- What Comes of Solar Power When the Sun's Eclipsed, Bloomberg
- Grid Operations During Eclipse to Leverage Energy Storage Solutions, California Energy Storage Alliance
- How HVAC can step up to a net zero world, The Fifth State
- With Sinking Storage Costs, Big-Box Solar Could Really Take Off, The Energy Collective
- Electricity shake-up could save consumers 'up to £40bn', BBC
- The new economics of energy storage, McKinsey & Company
- Peakload soars across much of US as heat bakes Midwest, East Coast S&P Global
- If You Fix This, You Fix a Big Piece of the Climate Puzzle, The New York Times
- Mind the Storage Gap: How Much Flexibility Do We Need for a High-Renewables Grid?, GreenTechMedia
- Solar and Wind Integration into the Grid, Global Energy Certification
- How a Cold Day in Texas Exposed the Value of Grid Flexibility, GreenTechMedia
- [VIDEO] Ice Chiller Installation, Stanley Benefits Services, Inc.
- Low-cost solution to the grid reliability problem with 100% penetration of intermittent wind, water, and solar for all purposes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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