Newsletter August 2017
In the news this past month, a new study suggests climate change will cause higher electricity prices. See how to lower your electricity bill in this web article.
Massachusetts’ storage target will make the commonwealth a leader in the burgeoning energy storage field. And high demand charges will increase the uptake of energy storage in Australia.
In other news, the Minnesota Energy Storage Alliance report shows that energy storage can offer to enable a more efficient, flexible, reliable, and affordable grid. And the HVAC article "Choosy Owners Choose Chillers' points out that free cooling and thermal energy storage are two additional chiller system advancements that should be of interest to high-performance building owners.
For more energy storage news and upcoming events see below.
Energy Storage News
Australia & Energy Storage Market to Reach 244MW by 2020, GreenTechMedia
World to add 50 GW of energy storage by 2026: Navigant, Microgrid Knowledge
A Cool Way to Lower Your Electric Bill, CALMAC energy storage article
The High Cost of Summer Energy Price Spikes, Boston University
Massachusetts Sets Energy Storage Target, National Law Review
Upcoming Event
Energy Storage Presentation: San Diego Green Building Conference
Date: Friday September 22, 2017
Time: 8 AM - 4:30 PM PDT
Location: SDG&E Energy Innovation Center
Title: Energy Storage to Help Reduce Customer Electric Costs & Support Integration of Renewables on the Grid
Description: CALMAC and Trane will describe in detail the benefit of thermal energy storage for commercial power consumers and the broader benefits for sustainable building design.