Energy Storage Newsletter October 2017
October 2017
Welcome to the October Energy Storage Newsletter. New in this month's round-up are a couple important pieces of legislation for thermal energy storage including a Federal tax credit and tax deduction. Let your elected leaders know you support the legislation.
Also, in case you haven't heard, ice tanks have been popping up everywhere, such as on Netflix Marvel Defenders fight scene Season 1, Episode 8 (start around 21:20 mark), on PBS Ask This Old House (Catch a sneak peak of of residential thermal energy storage from CALMAC and Multiaqua at the 2:10 mark) and on HVAC Tutor, a teaching simulator breaks down the operation of a thermal storage plant that gave a facility over 90% cost savings.
In more news, Advance Design Consultants, Inc. and CALMAC helped a Northern California bio-pharma company lower its energy costs by 56%. And Consulting-Specifying Engineer magazine explained how energy storage helps achieve energy performance-based design criteria.
Energy Storage News
- How Does Thermal Energy Storage Reach Scale?, GreenTechMedia
- Guidelines to a More Resilient Commercial Building Using Ice Storage, CALMAC
- Achieving energy performance-based design goals, Consulting Specifying Engineer
- [VIDEO] Ask This Old House, PBS
- Bio-Pharmaceutical Company Lowers Energy Costs by 56% with Ice, Energy Manager Today
- [VIDEO] Thermal energy storage simulator, HVAC Tutor
- Questions Shaping the Future of Energy Storage in New York, GreenTechMedia
- [VIDEO] Marvel Defenders, Netflix (S1:E8)
- Utilities see benefits in energy storage, even without mandates, Utility Dive
- Trio of new bills in Congress aims to support energy storage deployment, Utility Dive
- Don’t forget thermal storage along with batteries, Decentralized Energy
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ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR Expo
January 20-24, 2018
Chicago, IL
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