LEED Fellows announced by the U.S. Green Building Council

October 23, 2014
This year the U.S. Green Building Council recognized 48 LEED Fellows. These construction industry professionals were selected based on their commitment to green building and willingness to leverage their experience to help others improve their own green building practices. Rick Fedrizzi, president and CEO of the U.S. Green Building Council, explained that those awarded the honor of being named LEED Fellows also "engage their colleagues, clients and communities to create a better built environment around the world," according to ForConstructionPros.com.
Selection criteria
The U.S. Green Building Council notes that LEED Fellow Program aims to honor those LEED Accredited Professionals that go above and beyond in their field. LEED Fellows demonstrate industry-leading technical knowledge in their area of expertise, lead their peers in embracing green building practices and have a long track record of making positive impacts on the green building community. To be eligible for consideration as a Fellow, a LEED AP must have at least a decade of green building experience and proper LEED credentials. The USGBC uses five mastery elements, including technical proficiency and advocacy, to evaluate nominees.
The USGBC likewise requires all nominations to be made by LEED Accredited Professionals with 10 years of experience and a valid Specialty credential. Each LEED AP may only nominate one Fellow per class, and nominees can not name other nominees in the same year. This system of internal vetting is part of what makes the LEED Fellows designation so significant for green building professionals. Fellows are recognized not just by the USGBC, but by their peers as innovators and benefactors for the industry.
Valuable expertise
LEED has evolved into more than a form of recognition. The U.S. Green Building Council's accreditation is now driving hiring decisions, acting as a benchmark for expertise when it comes to green building. More companies are walking the 'green' talk; Committed to lowering the impact of buildings through green building certification, more sustainable manufacturing processes and work practices that promote LEED credentials. The Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration News reports that the demand for AP professionals is growing quickly. Research from Pearson reveals that over 9,000 job postings listed between March 2013 and February 2014 specified LEED accreditation as a qualification. A second study by Pearson showed that nearly 60 percent of jobs related to green building, like those projects employing green solutions like thermal energy storage, sought out LEED professionals as well. This trend adds even more weight to the significance of being chosen as a LEED Fellow, and provides those selected as Fellows with extra leverage for their brands.