Newsletter May 2014

Hello everyone. Here’s what’s been happening.

New York’s Governor Cuomo announced an initiative to reduce electricity demand and improve grid reliability. The new initiative encourages New Yorkers to install thermal energy storage and other energy load shifting technologies to regulate the demand on New York’s power grid. CALMAC® CEO Mark MacCracken authored the paper, "Inside California's Aggressive Energy Storage Mandate" for Electric Energy T&D magazine and CALMAC VP Paul Valenta told Commercial Building Products magazine if net zero is feasible today.

In more CALMAC news, CALMAC met with building professionals at Trane’s Acceleration Tour, the USGBC Los Angeles Chapter Municipal Green Building Council Expo and AEE Global Con. IceBank® energy storage was highlighted in industry publications including,  Alternative Energy magazine which published the case study CA Lottery Hits Jackpot with Solar and Ice-based Energy Storage. Also, GreenBuilding News and School Construction News featured articles on the thermal energy storage installation at the St Lucie School District.  

Lastly, in international news, the BBC reports that energy storage is the key to a smarter power grid and predicts that peak demand will increase 6 fold in the UK by 2050. Plus, the International Energy Agency released a new publication Technology Roadmap:  Energy Storage. In the report the IEA estimates that China, India, the European Union and the United States alone should invest at least USD 380 billion in energy storage capacity by 2050 to support decarbonisation.

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