New energy storage app provides quick insight

December 10, 2014

CALMAC, the world's leading ice-based thermal energy storage manufacturer, is a well-known manufacturer of thermal energy storage products for peak demand management and energy conversation. A member of multiple green building organizations, including the U.S. Green Building Council, CALMAC has long advocated innovative solutions for the power grid's most enduring problems. The ice-storage experts at CALMAC have recently added a new resource to their toolbox. Their time-saving app can help those both experienced and new to ice storage to get their head around the technology.

New video explains ice storage in a nutshell
To help those new to the energy storage application there is a new video that explains how ice storage helps to reduce demand and save on cooling costs. Once a person sees how ridiculous it is not to plan ahead, the advantage of ice storage becomes evident. The learning tool's stylish hand-sketched aesthetic and bare-bones approach to breaking down the nuances of thermal storage are a perfect introduction to CALMAC's services.

The video also outlines how organizations with wind and solar installations can achieve even greener methods operation by supplementing these renewables with energy storage. Viewers also learn how energy storage can generate extra funds for buildings operators courtesy of the local utility's demand response management policies. There are several factors in play driving interest in energy storage, and this introductory video is a perfect tool for getting up to speed with everything that thermal ice storage has to offer.

CALMAC in the palm of your hand
Large universities, government facilities and business campuses are in luck. CALMAC has released a new application for Apple and Android smartphones that demonstrates how the users can benefit from ice storage, said Energy Manager Today. The app calculates potential peak demand reductions and associated cost-savings, allowing engineers to identify the benefits of ice storage for their facilities immediately.

Users can also use the app to create a project summary that estimates the building's ice storage infrastructure needs and generates a cooling profile for the entire facility. The application's full report will include the number of tanks and chillers necessary for the project, the estimated decrease in daily peak demand and calculate the project's cooling and storage performance in kWh. This app makes it a snap for organizations to determine how much demand they can save by offsetting peak demand with thermal storage.

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