Earth Day considerations for building owners and architects

April 22, 2015
Earth Day was celebrated for the first time in 1970, and it is now recognized on April 22 in almost 200 countries around the world. Although the holiday was originally imagined by activist John McConnell as a demonstration of world peace, the annual event has since trended toward drawing awareness about important environmental issues facing the globe. Considering the colossal amount of energy consumed in the U.S. by its productive commercial sector, it's up to building owners and architects to consider their responsibility to help bring the nation into a more sustainable future.
Thankfully, the enduring benefits of green building are numerous, and the perks that go with designing facilities that qualify for certification from lauded organizations like the U.S. Green Building Council are well worth the investment. Buildings designed with green principles in mind also boast significant cost savings, both in long-term performance and in lower material costs during construction. These extra advantages also deliver extra value for architectural clients and can help building owners to get the most out of their employees.
Green building boosts popularity and productivity
Part of the business argument to be made for green buildings has less to do with the green initiatives and more to do with brand awareness and public image. According to an Echelon Insights poll, an overwhelming majority of registered voters, both Republicans and Democrats, responded with support for LEED-certified green building, said ACHR News. Nearly a third of Americans surveyed were familiar with LEED by name, reflecting the widespread influence of LEED's brand when it comes to public understanding of certified buildings. Architects and building owners can take advantage of that brand awareness by finding ways to incorporate LEED's guidelines into building plans.
Studies have also shown that green office spaces have a positive impact on employee performance, according to the Institute for Building Efficiency. For example, a Michigan State University study revealed in 2009 that employees in LEED certified facilities put in nearly 40 additional work hours each year. Likewise, a report released by California's Sustainable Building Task Force in 2003 saw 1 percent productivity gains in LEED Silver buildings, along with a 1.5 percent bump in LEED Gold and LEED Platinum facilities. Achieving similar performance by seeking LEED certification not only adds extra cushioning to the facility management budget, but can also be leveraged as a hiring tool, especially when attracting the attention of the millennial workforce. Millennials want a reason to care about their work and seek companies with a strong sense of purpose beyond a profit motive.
Serious cost savings make sense every day
Despite mountains of data and success stories to back up the advantages, many architects and building owners alike are sleeping on the potential savings that could be achieved by incorporating innovative green building strategies into the design process. A recent article from EnergyBiz Magazine emphasized the point that hundreds of thousands dollars worth of state-level incentives are going to waste across the country due to lack of awareness or disinterest incorporating green energy into architectural designs or facility retrofits.
This turn of events is certainly tragic considering that energy is the number one cause of greenhouse gas emissions. There is hope though. Power companies continue to market green and energy efficiency programs which could only build awareness. Building owners may contact their local energy suppliers or USGBC chapter for more information about massive cost reductions and ROI that can be obtained by incorporating the right green strategy into the right building project but first here are some important tips.
Green strategies and tips
For a successful green building project, involve all the project stakeholders early in the planning stages for a "charrette" where everyone can meet together, brainstorm and identify options. Stakeholders may include the contractor, architect, engineer, developer, government officials, realtor, community activists and owner. Then determine what steps may be needed with an energy audit. Simple, cost-effective strategies with great environmental impact include:
1. Orientating the building to maximize daylighting.
2. Putting in glazed windows and/or shading to reduce solar gain. Windows may also be designed to take advantage of natural ventilation.
3. Improving indoor air quality by avoiding materials with formaldehyde and using low or no VOC paints.
4. Selecting a light colored roof. Want to go a step further? Consider growing a rooftop garden.
5. Installing fans to improve comfort at a fraction of the costs of air conditioning.
6. Utilizing free cooling to help chill water for cooling purposes.
7. Insulating and identifying drafts for a tighter building envelope.
8. Upgrading appliances and lighting fixtures to more energy efficient models.
9. Reducing peak demand by conserving energy during peak periods. Thermal energy storage allows building managers to respond to energy market signals of supply and demand.
10. Investing in on-site power such as renewables (solar or geothermal).
11. Purchasing recycled materials from local suppliers and whenever possible reuse.
12. Completing the project with commissioning to ensure that everything is operating as planned.