U.S. military targets 25% renewable energy and 25 zero energy buildings

May 12, 2015

Managing resources for thousands of bases and military-run facilities is no simple task. Looking to reduce the waste generated by its operations around the globe, the U.S. military has recently made a bigger shift toward investing in energy storage. The technology has a myriad of uses that can help military buildings to address energy security, lower energy costs and fill in the gaps left by intermittent renewable energy. Exploring how the U.S. military, in particular the Department of Defense, is implementing energy storage provides a helpful perspective on how the technology can play a part in helping civilian facilities to cut costs as well.

U.S. military interest in energy storage is on the rise
The U.S. Armed Forces have repeatedly invested in or created opportunities for energy storage applications in recent years. According to Energy Storage Report, the Department of Defense reported that the entire department is expected to switch to a quarter renewable power by 2015. Certain branches of the military have taken the DOD's goals to the next level. The Army, for instance, has pledged to meet these by these ambitious goals by utilizing green zero energy building strategies.

For these plans to meet zero energy goals, energy storage is a key factor. Consider that fossil fuels are not just an energy source; they are forms of stored energy. Renewables on the other hand are forms of instantaneous energy. In order for renewables to transparently replace fossil fuels ability to dispatch stored energy, onsite energy storage can be added to capture and store excess renewable energy generated when the building load is low and dispatch energy when the building load is greater than the renewable generation available onsite. Coupled with energy storage renewable generation can become a reliable source of power that helps facilities to achieve zero energy performance.

Distributed energy storage, which places energy storage in or near buildings offers perks beneficial to that zero energy building design. For instance, thermal energy storage can be controlled manually through cloud based building automation platforms and new ice enhanced air-cooled packages that are easier than ever to install and manage. The storage system, typically stores ice and is used as means to reduce a building's peak load and consumes electricity when cost of using electricity is at its lowest. This is important as a greater component of available nighttime electricity comes from renewable wind turbines.

McConnell Air Force Base showcases the perks of energy storage in action
McConnell Air Force Base is a great example of how thermal energy storage deployed for military applications can result in huge benefits. Located in Wichita, Kansas, the base was plagued by the demands of 24-hour cooling and high peak demand charges. Thermal energy storage, courtesy of CALMAC, provided the solution the base needed to cut its cooling costs significantly. The company's IceBank® energy storage tanks were chosen for their widely known ability to store energy in the form of ice.

The IceBank® energy storage tanks installed at McConnell Air Force Base are capable of running in several different cooling modes to meet the specific storage and load shifting needs of a military facility. Charge and cool mode, for instance, makes it possible for the tanks to store ice at night then use it the next day to help cool the base facility. As a result, the base is able to help lower costs when rates are at their peak. Should the base utilize solar, the thermal storage could kick on when the sun is not shining and help avoid costly demand charges.

McConnell Air Force Base is just one example of a military facility that is prepared for renewables. Other bases, such the LEED Silver Edwards Air Force Base and Dover Air Force Base, with energy storage already in place are likewise ahead of the game. The modular design of CALMAC's IceBank® energy storage tanks allows them to be installed in a wide variety of locations, making it easy to find room in a base or hangar. Likewise, storage's ability to complement renewable energy enhances the utility of the technology, making it even more suitable for use by the Armed Forces.

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